Thursday, September 19, 2013

Jada's Caprese

Toddlers are skeptical. "What's that?" Jada asked, wary of the wet slabs of mozzarella laying between her and her favorite vegetable. 

"Cheese!" Michele and I answered in unison, all smiles and hype. 

I cut off a sliver for her. "Try it. It's the same cheese we use to make your pizza." 

Jada popped the mozz in to her mouth and smacked loudly as she chewed. She swallowed, "Mmmm! I want more!" (I'd include the photo of her smiling from ear to ear at the dinner table but she opted to go topless tonight.)

It took only minutes for her to get the hang of poking a little piece of cheese, with a little wedge of tomato and a tiny sliver of basil on to the tip of her fork to swirl in her favorite condiment, olive oil. She's a natural.  

Here is the recipe for a classic caprese, a great way to use the abundance of tomatoes available this time of year: 

Slice 3 tomatoes in to thin wedges. Then slice 8 oz. of mozzarella cheese in to wedges, the same thickness. Sprinkle with a generous douse of good olive oil, some salt and a little pepper. Some people/ Americans go heavy on the addition of balsamic. Michele insists that Italians keep it clean. Tomatoes, cheese, basil, olive oil, salt and pepper. Basta. 


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